Discuss how the research findings could be applied to a patients nursing care.

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EBP Paper

Recognizing that the registered nurse is a pivotal component in providing patient care in a dynamic and diverse health care arena, it is essential for the student to develop lifelong learning skills. Each student will write an article critique using current evidence-based literature. The purpose of the assignment is to acquaint the student with a method to critically analyze current research/literature and relate the evidence to practical application at the bedside. The article review should include the following information:

An overview of the diagnosis/pathophysiology and clinical presentation of the medical or nursing diagnosis that the article is based on.

A critique of an article that you have obtained from a professional, peer- reviewed journal that relates to your patient (See How to Critique a Research Article located at the end of your syllabus.)

Discuss how the research findings could be applied to a patients nursing care.

Upload the article with your paper.

Use APA (American Psychological Association Writing Style) to format your paper (http://apastyle.apa.org/)

The rubric for this assignment is located at the end of your syllabus.

2 to >1.0 pts
Full Marks
Excellent pathophysiology review. Proper use of medical terminology. Description of disease and manifestations flows well and is correct

2 to >1.0 pts
Meets Criteria
Excellent review of article. Application of critique questions is obvious. Summation of critique demonstrates ability to apply information to determine research validity.

2 to >1.0 pts
Full Marks
Great application of research to practice. Includes possible methods for integration and demonstrates adherence to safety and/or patient centered principles.

2 to >1.0 pts
Meets Criteria
Article is from a peer reviewed nursing journal published within the last 5 years. Article is attached to/sent with paper.

2 to >1.0 pts
Full Marks
Correctly formatted using APA. Reference page is complete.

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