Write a 1500 word argumentative essay based on Sartre’s Existentialism is a Humanism.
1) explain in your own words why Sartre thinks that existentialism is an
optimistic, humanistic philosophy, not a pessimistic one. (with reference to his
Existentialism is a Humanism, and none of his other work)
2) come up with your own arguments in one of the following three ways: (i)
challenge his arguments, and support the contention that existentialism is
pessimistic rather than an optimistic humanism; (ii) offer arguments of your own
that support the idea that existentialism is an optimistic humanism, and explain why
these arguments are different from Sartres and a valuable addition to the
conversation; or (iii) offer arguments of your own that support some different
contention about existentialism i.e., argue that its not optimistic or pessimistic but
instead something else. Explain why these arguments are more convincing than