City is Aurora, IL 60504 a) Desсrіption of the community: o population o land mass o average income o major job sources o racial/ethnic/religious make-up of the county o any special features of the county b) Desсrіption of infant mortality and morbidity for that county and state c) Desсrіption of maternal mortality and morbidity for that county (if available) and state d) Compare and contrast the county’s statistic for infant mortality and morbidity with that of the state that the county is in and of the United States e) Compare and contrast the county’s statistic for maternal mortality and morbidity with the State and of the United States f) Desсrіption of services that are available for: o Pregnant people o Perinatal services for people with physical and psychosocial challenges/concerns o the newborn o Available postpartum services g) Determine how easy or difficult it is to access the services provided h) Discuss ease or difficulty of use and access of the county’s website i) Discuss any other pertinent information found