LAW402 Case Study
An e-mail is sent to Party B, in order to form a contract. Party A is the sender of the email. Party A’s identification is located at the top of the e-mail and is sufficient to show authentication.
Will use of the individual’s initials or name at the end of the message satisfy the signature requirement, under Article 2B of the Uniform Commercial Code (the UCC)?
Answer & Explanation
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The answer to this question depends on the specific facts of the case. Generally speaking, the use of an individual’s initials or name at the end of an email message may satisfy the
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signature requirement under Article 2B of the Uniform Commercial Code (the UCC). However, there may be circumstances in which the use of an individual’s initials or name would not satisfy the signature requirement. For example, if the individual’s initials or name were not clearly associated with the email message, the signature requirement might not be satisfied.