Pick one data set from the below list or you can find your own. 2. Choose a topic area, i.e. employment, abuse, education, countries, benefits. It is recommended you choose a topic that is of great interest to you as you will have a greater interest and more knowledge to base your analysis upon. 3. Choose a comparison, i.e. group, state, size, country, dates. 4. Create a table or chart showing and comparing percentages and/or frequencies of your data. 5. Consider the validity and reliability of the data. Does the date actually measure what is says it does, i.e. data about how many people with disabilities were actually employed were frequently fudged by supported employment programs seeking funding while showing limited success with part-time work, number of of hours worked and small amounts of money earned (see below for more information on validity and reliability). 6. Include references, cite the database. 7. Sample questions you may find useful to address in the paper. These are suggestions. You do not have to answer all or any of these. Where did the data come from? Whom gathered it? Under what conditions? Is it reliable? Valid? What is the sample size of the data? What other questions do the data raise for you? What conclusions do you reach from the data? What does the data mean to you? Your interpretation What questions do you have unanswered from the data? What is left unknown?