. Identify the Strengths and Weaknesses in Marion General Hospitals attached CHNA.

This assignment is a two-fold exercise focused on Marion Generals posted CHNA.
Step 1 involves reviewing the hospitals CHNA doing so by keeping the requirements in mind in the process. The overarching question is Has MGH conducted detailed CHNA?. As a second step, we will review the CHNA posted by our local hospital, SouthEast Health, using it as a type of benchmark. These two steps will enable us to discuss comparative strengths and weaknesses of
these two approaches to the CHNA IRS requirement.
1. Identify the Strengths and Weaknesses in Marion General Hospitals attached CHNA.
2. Identify the Strengths and Weaknesses in SouthEast Healths posted as 2019 CHNA Southeast System Report on the website: “https://www.sehealth.org/about-us/community-health/”
3. Draw Comparison between the two Approaches?

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