Place yourself in the position of a felony court prosecutor. In what ways does the cooperation of other members of the courtroom work group work to your benefit? How would your answer be different if you approached the question from the vantage point of the judge or the defense attorney? Use scholarly research to support your answer. These responses must be thorough. Also, cite in-text AND cite the source(s) at the end on your post so others can locate it. I prefer APA citation. You must find some scholarly support (outside of your text and web searches) to support your discussion. You should be searching scholarly sources. After initial essay be sure to respond to a minimum of two classmates in order to receive full credit. You need to reply to a minimum of two students with a response that is scholarly and engaging. Avoid saying something like ″I agree″ or simply reiterate their original thoughts. Make sure it engages your classmates further or you may have points reduced.