Bus 177, Labor Relations – Homework for Chapters 12, 13 and 14
1. Name at least three elements of just cause when an employer considers discipline against an employee.
2. Preponderance of evidence is a level of proof used by arbitrators in reviewing disciplinary cases. What does the preponderance of evidence mean?
3. Why is the clarity of work rules important in discipline?
4. John Doe is being suspended for 30 days for poor performance in his job. Please name at least three mitigating circumstances that John Doe could theoretically bring up as factors that management should consider in lessening or removing the 30 day suspension.
5. What does the term end run bargaining refer to?
6. Describe the term referendum discussed in Chapter 13. What does it refer to?
7. When is an employees discharge for off duty conduct warranted?
8. NAFTA is a free trade agreement signed by the Unites States with other countries. Which countries were part of the NAFTA agreement and what are provisions of the NAFTA trade agreement?
9. What are the five distinguishing characteristics of the Japanese labor relations system?
10. Western Europe seems to be uniquely involved with various forms of worker participation. Explain why these worker participation systems have developed so fully there instead of elsewhere.
11. Assess the strategy of Wal-Mart in China, where the company has recognized unions in all 62 stores, to its strategy in the United States which is to combat any type of union representation.
12. Define the following terms: