Your experiences define you. They shape you who you are, how you perceive the world, and how you interact with others. They are so influential that even the briefest of experiences can have lasting impacts on your character, self-esteem, and professional aspirations.
As you come to the conclusion of this course, think back to the ways you have engaged with colleagues, the media, and the literature. Which experiences might have contributed most to your development as a problem solver? Which might be most memorable as you continue through your coursework and plan your professional development, and work.
Reflect on your work and experience in this course by considering the following questions. Which material, stories, and/or research-proven concepts:
Did you connect with most?
Did you find to be the most surprising?
Might you hope to further investigate?
Might directly relate to your future aspirations?
Might motivate you most in your field of interest?
Write a 1- to 2-paragraph summary of your overall experience in this course. Include a description of the course material that you most enjoyed and explain why. Then, explain what insights might be most influential in your future approaches to problem solving.