What are some of the steps that you can take to learn about the norms and values of that organization, before applying for a job?

1. Choose one of the following companies to address in this discussion. Southwest Airlines Disney Google Walmart Do some online research, and examine all of the information you can find about the company. Look at their website and social media sites. If you need homework assistance, contact your embedded librarian or a free tutor at the ASC. You do not have to use your book as a source this week. Describe the company culture. Do you think there is a feeling of ″team spirit″ among the employees? If yes, give an example. If not, explain why not. Name a company that you are interested in or that you would be interested in working for. What are some of the steps that you can take to learn about the norms and values of that organization, before applying for a job? In order to avoid plagiarism, support your thoughts with proper in-text citation and format (see Critical Thinking Format Instructions). If you do not cite, you will not receive any credit. 2.Web-Enabled Business- List the businesses you interact with through their web-based presence. Are you surprised at the length of your list? Is there any on your list that you use primarily over another business because of their web-based presence? Have you came across a business that doesn′t have a web-based presence? Did that affect you using/purchasing from them?

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