What are the client′s significant symptoms with regard to having a mental disorder?

Write a case formulation (provisional diagnostic impression) using information provided in a written case study that will be provided by the instructor. The case formulation should follow the following format: Section I. Diagnosis A. Signs and Symptoms What are the client′s significant symptoms with regard to having a mental disorder? Think about each diagnostic criterion for the selected diagnoses. B. Onset and course of symptoms When did the symptoms begin? For how long have the client problem been evident? Have they changed over the course of the problem? If so, in what way have they changed? C. Case Considerations and Differential Diagnosis What other disorders does his symptoms overlap? For what reason(s) would you rule other diagnoses out? For example, though the client′s symptoms of XYZ could be features of both Disorder X and Disorder Y, they do not present with the symptoms ABC which are indicative of Disorder Y, etc…. D. Full Diagnosis Given the above information and considerations, what diagnosis have you arrived at? Include specifiers, severity levels, and if associated with another medical condition. E. Rationale for Diagnosis Section II. Risk and Resilience A. Onset of the Disorder Risk Influences Resilience Influences B. Course of the Disorder Risk Influences Resilience Influences

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