What are the religious concept and the cultural principle that underlie the observations given in the following excerpt?

A. (), impermanence, is a pervasive Buddhism concept that played an important role in Japanese culture from to . () is perceived differently reflecting each periods social mood and cultural taste. 1) For each of , , and , describe how () is perceived and quote poetry, an opening passage, or part of a paragraph from a piece of literature that shows () and discuss the way in which the concept is expressed in it (cite the source too); 2) for , describe how () is perceived and discuss the way in which () represents the notion of () in its townsmen culture.
B. What are the religious concept and the cultural principle that underlie the observations given in the following excerpt? How do the religious concept and the cultural principle explain the authors observations? Finally, explain (define) both in your own words.
Be sure to answer all the questions above. Be sure to have a clear arrangement. Also, make the sentences easy to read.
Here are the two books needed. You should ONLY use content from these two books.
1. Varley, Paul. Japanese Culture. Fourth ed.: Updated and expanded. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2000.
2. Keene, Donald. Anthology of Japanese Literature. New York: Grove Press, 1955.

For the first book, Japanese Culture, you need to use the following pages: 20-21, 58-60, 89, 80-82, 91-93, 110-111, 8-14, 17-18, 22, 42-47,
216, 60-61, 64-66, 67, 217, 186-189, 295

For the second book, Anthology of Japanese Literature, you need to use the following pages: 76-81, 179-191, 197-212, 231-241, 33-53, 106-136, 182-183,

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