Please use attachments for reference and guidance. Thank you! Page 1: Write a cover letter to a Prospective Sponsor that makes sense for the event you created. Research the appropriate person to send the letter to at sponsor company and compose your cover letter (although you will not be including the actual proposal at this time). Start to think about the entire sponsorship proposal as you read through this weeks material, as your final project will be to create a sponsorship proposal for your event. Page 2: Devise sponsorship categories and costs for each level for your event / what is included in each level of sponsorship. Be creative in the design and naming ie I prefer you not to use Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze. Research other similar events to support your pricing strategy, and please use minimum 2 citations. Page 3: Please provide an event timeline to advise steps necessary to make your event happen. You should envision what items might you need to have in place leading up to your event. For example: You would most likely have volunteer training (if volunteers are appropriate for your event) Think about the design of the timeline that would make the most sense. Content and design of timeline are part of grading. Page 4: Create a Marketing Plan that outlines your Marketing Strategy for your event. Think about your audience and how to best reach that demographic. Try to use any concepts from the readings / PowerPoints, and you can include images ie PowerPoint as well. Please include citations. Double spaced. Page 5: Create a sponsorship proposal package for the event you created. This package should be something that you could realistically submit to a potential sponsor. You can use anything from previous assignments that you believe should be included. The best way to view this assignment is pretend I own a company that has unlimited funds to sponsor your event. What would you want to include in your proposal, and how would you want the finished product to be presented to get me to invest my money in your event?