Explain what Arendt considers to be involved in this tension between the public and the social.

part 1:
700 words max
Topic: 1. Explain what Arendt considers to be involved in this tension between the public and the social.
2. then compare Arendts theory here to Foucaults using lecture and the text.
3. briefly critically evaluate one of the two theorists.
4. please write in simple terms.

Please only use and reference the material I have attached in the files. Any outside sources or texts beyond the material I have provided will not be accepted.

For in text citation, please employ in-text citations like (Author; year of publication: page) such as (Foucault 2015: 201). To cite slides, please cite as follows (Curran week: slide #)
example:(Curran wk 5: 14). reference page is not necessary since you will only be referring to the materials i have provided.

part 2: not an essay, just describe the quote.
200 words max
topic: Goffman writes “The recruit comes into the establishment with a conception of himself made by certain stable social arrangements in his home world. Upon entrance, he is immediately stripped of the support provided by these arrangements”
Briefly explain in simple terms what this quote means. Do not reference outside texts.

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