Total Calories – how many calories are in one serving?

A quick guide to reading the Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size – this is where you will see the size of one serving and the number of servings in one container
Total Calories – how many calories are in one serving? (If watching your caloric intake, this is important!)
%Daily Value (%DV) – this will help evaluate how foods can fit into your daily meal plan
based on 2,000 calories for an entire day, not just one meal (Do you eat more or less than 2,000 calories?)
5% or less of the %DV of a nutrient is considered low (good for saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol & sodium)
20% or more of the %DV of a nutrient is considered high (good for fiber, vitamins and minerals)
4. Fats, Sugars, Sodium – eating less of each can help lower your risk for chronic disease
Saturated fat and trans fats have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease (limit to <5 gm of fat per serving and no trans fats; overall intake of total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol should be limited) High intakes of sodium can increase your chance of high blood pressure (limit to <2400 mg) Too much added sugar can make it difficult to meet nutrient needs within a calorie requirement 5. Vitamins, Minerals, Fiber – aim for high levels of each an increased intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help lower your risk of chronic disease aim for 3 or more gm of fiber per serving with a goal of 25-30 gm per day (or 14 gm per 1,000 calories eaten) increase intake of foods containing Vitamins A&C, Calcium and Iron 6. Protein – an important nutrient needed for overall health (no recommended amount listed on the label) 7. Carbohydrates – sugars, starches and fiber (whole grains plus fruits and vegetables) 8. Sugars – ADDED SUGARS is now on the revised Nutrition Facts Labels Total grams of sugar should be less than 50% of the total grams of carbohydrate in a product 9. Ingredient list – items are listed in descending order by weight

Answer & Explanation
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(if sugar is listed as the first ingredient, then it is the predominant ingredient)What is the difference between %DV and % Daily Value? Why is this important?The % Daily Value (%DV) is a guideline that shows how much of a nutrient is in one serving of a food in relation to the amount that is recomm

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Step-by-step explanation
ended to consume each day. The %DV is based on a 2,000-calorie diet, which is the amount of calories that most people need to consume each day. The %DV is not a guideline for how much of a nutrient you should consume in one day. The % Daily Value is a guideline that shows how much of a nutrient is in one serving of a food in relation to the amount that is recommended to consume each day. The %DV is based on a 2,000-calorie diet, which is the amount of calories that most people need to consume each day. The % Daily Value is not a guideline for how much of a nutrient you should consume in one day.

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