Write a paper on the Controversial Theme in the movie Wall.E

Write a paper on the Controversial Theme in the movie Wall.EAssignment Sheet for Movie Critique (Movie is Wall.E) 1.Locate a film with possible controversial themes. 5 points 2.Watch the film, closely. 3.Identify one theme to discuss.5 points 4.Locate 3-5 examples from the film, i.e. scenes, dialogue, characters, setting, or social milieu to discuss in the paper 25 points 5.Write an essay with introduction, 3-5 body paragraphs and conclusion 40 points 6.Focus on one theme. 5 points 7.All examples should be cited with (Director’s last name, year).5 points 8.No References page is required if you only use the film as your source. 5 points 9.Name the film and the director in the introduction. 5 points 10.Pay attention to grammar and clarity.5 points

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