Your task: Write an informal proposal, suggesting that the company equip its traveling salespeople with tablets instead of laptops. Making up any information you need, address three questions you know your boss will have: 1) First, can sales reps type at an adequate speed on tablets, without a conventional keyboard? 2) Second, can sales reps make informal ″table top″ presentations on tablets, the way they can on their laptops? (Currently, sales reps can sit at a conference room table and give a Power Point or Prezi presentation to two or three people, without the need of a projector screen.) and 3) Do tablets have a sufficient selection of business software, from word processing to database management software? You may need to use your imagination to put yourself in the shoes of traveling sales reps in order to craft realistic answers to the three questions. You should also be sure to do some research on current tablet options, including models that have detachable physical keyboards and those with flips screens designed for “table top” presentations. For the third question on software, perusing business app selections on iTunes or Google Play can provide you with information you need. You should have a minimum of one full page in this proposal. Take it seriously and write what you would say to your boss in real life.