Determine the present- ing problem and any underlying problems that might affect her situation

Read the Case Study carefully and using the questions below as your guide, analyse this client’s situation, write your assessment and design a plan of action. 1. Identify your client and the facts relevant to her situation. Determine the present- ing problem and any underlying problems that might affect her situation. 2. Identify the problems/issues that could arise as a result of her situation. Give rea- sons for your choice. 3. What are your client’s strengths and how can they be used? 4. What intervention strategies would you use to assess your client’s situation? 5. What actions do you think would need to be taken in Stage 1 & Stage 2 (i.e. the rest of the pregnancy and after the baby is born). 6. State the information that you would need to make a joint plan? (5 marks) 7. What further information should be shared with your client? 8. How comfortable are you dealing with the client and this situation? 9. What value conflicts could arise in your interaction with the client? Describe them and state how you would address them. 10. What is your plan of action? Justify your plan.

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