Determine what makes a monster a monster–and Use that to argue whether or not something is or is not a monster.

Definition Argument:
In this essay, you will be focusing on logos to establish criteria and prove what something is.
This assignment requires a minimum of 3 sources. These sources can include interviews with sources but you must establish the source’s ethos.
This essay should be a minimum of 1300 words–not including heading, title or Work Cited.
For Face to Face courses only, please attach a copy of the rubric to your hard copy of your final essay
This essay should conform to the expectations of academic writing including:
The use of formal standard American academic prose (which we discussed in “Essay Basics”
Being typed, with 12 pt font, in Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, double spaced, without the extra spaces between the paragraphs, and with the appropriate heading (Template attached)
Having an interesting and appropriate title.
Having a formal argumentative thesis statement
Having fully developed paragraphs including an introduction and a conclusion.
Determine what makes a monster a monster–and
Use that to argue whether or not something is or is not a monster.
Establish an intended audience, and invoke this audience (indirectly) in your essay.
Your audience should not be yourself, or people like yourself. Think outside the box.
Use your knowledge of your audience (bias, values, etc.) as well as your understanding of ethos, pathos, and logos, to persuade your audience to believe your position.
Essays will be graded according to the standard BRCC English 102 Rubric.

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